Two Lives - One Tax Free Benefit

If you are married, and 1) you want to equalize your children's inheritance; or 2) create tax free retirement income for as long as you both live; or 3) want to pay off your estate taxes without liquidating your assets . . . watch this short video to learn how two people (usually a married couple) can qualify for life insurance at pennies on the dollar.

William (Bill) Wilson

Wilson Financial Group

Wilson Financial Group focuses on helping people keep what they work hard for when it comes to their retirement. It’s about how you get from where you are right now to where you want to be. It is about achieving your personal financial goals and enabling you to enjoy the fruits of your labors without having to worry if tomorrow will be a good or bad day in the markets. It is important to plot your path, have a plan how to get there, and get the right advice along the way.