“End of Life” Legal and Financial Considerations

If you realize that a fatal accident or illness can end your life at any time, and you don't want to leave your family unprepared, watch this video to learn how important it is to provide instructions and make provisions for the “End of Life”.

Jamie Hargrave

Cadence Capital Investments

 (925) 314 8513
 Lic. # 0C40720

My practice is helping technology company executives in the early stages of retirement or preparing to retire, navigate all of the options available to them. These options often take the form of many concerns, such as: How do I move money from a 401k to an IRA; How do I take money from an IRA and when?; How do I manage my income from RSU's?; Do I still need insurance?; I have money left in a 529 plan, what can I do with it?; How do I make my retirement money last through retirement? How do I consolidate my assets? ; Can you construct a retirement plan that does not become a paperweight? There are many concerns and issues for retirees and pre-retirees alike.
Once these issues are addressed and resolved, most of my clients still have three primary concerns. First, preserve their wealth. They've accumulated significant assets and are concerned about losing their wealth due to market volatility, lawsuits, or illness. Using proven wealth management strategies, I review the client's situation, their goals, risk tolerance and time horizon, so I can resolve this concern in a suitable, tax efficient manner.
Second, in conjunction with the clients CPA or accountant, I can provide strategies to help them manage taxes, specifically income and estate taxes. Few people want to pay taxes and the real issue is finding strategies that can help reduce or eliminate those they can. My role is to recommend an approach for their situation.
Finally, I address my client's personal interests and responsibilities. Most are concerned with three issues: First is making sure that their heirs are taken care of, second, they have a medical insurance strategy for lifetime, beyond employment, and third they have a retirement distribution plan that takes into account their net worth and lifestyle costs. Through my discovery process, I surface these issues and through the use of wealth management strategies, I recommend suitable solutions.

I specialize in working with small-business owners, busy professionals and affluent retirees who want to create an investment strategy to reduce their taxes, invest for the future and leave a legacy. Prosperity Financial Group, Inc., does not accept orders and/or instructions regarding your account by email, voicemail, fax, or any alternate method. Transactional details do not supersede normal trade confirmations or statements. E-mail sent through the Internet is not secure or confidential. Prosperity Financial Group, Inc., reserves the right to monitor all E-mail. Any information provided in this E-mail has been prepared from sources believed to be reliable, but is not guaranteed by Prosperity Financial Group, Inc., and is not a complete summary or statement of all available data necessary for making an investment decision. Any information provided is for informational purposes only and does not constitute a recommendation. Prosperity Financial Group, Inc., and its employees may own options, right or warrants to purchase any of the securities mentioned in the E-mail. This E-mail is intended only for the person or entity to which the addressed and may contain confidential and/or privileged material. If you receive this message in error, please contact the sender immediately and delete this material from your computer.