Four Questions to Protect Your Retirement Savings

If you are recently retired or preparing to retire, and realize that there is much misinformation and misunderstanding about how your retirement savings must be converted into retirement income, then watch this short video to learn the four questions you need to ask yourself before making any decisions.

Ayinde Holliman

Holliman Financial, LLC

Holliman Financial has a mission to provide financial security to America’s families and reduce the negative impact of personal financial crises. Many of the services can be addressed with Estate Planning. Estate Pllanning is a process involving the counsel of professional advisors who are familiar with your goals and concerns, your assets and how they are owned, and your vision for your family future.  An estate plan aims to preserve the maximum amount of wealth possible for the intended beneficiaries and flexibility for the individual prior to death or life changing event.

The core document most often associated with the estate process is the will. However, a traditional will is only the start of comprehensive estate planning. Holliman Financial ties together the other parts need to complete your plan. Holliman Financial has aligned with the Advisor-Partner Program to bring our clients in touch with every specialist they will need to complete their estate plan including but not limited to:


  • Income Planning
  • Asset Preservation
  • Tax Mitigation
  • Risk Mitigation
  • Business Planning
  • Legal Protection
  • Healthcare and Long-Term Care


Please visit and register for your webinar so we can help deliver the key to your family's financial future.