Guaranteed Lifetime Income Withdrawals

If you are approaching retirement or already retired, and you are looking for the highest and surest way to withdraw money from your retirement savings, watch this video to learn how you can get guaranteed fixed income withdrawals for as long as you live, and without the risk of running out of money.


Humberto Phillips CEO & Founder

 202-676-7874 * 202-270-1996
 Lic. # DC, VA, MD, CA-0H91098, AL, CO, DE, FL, GA, IL, NC, NJ, NV, NY, PA, SC, TX, WV

In Life, One Size Does Not Fit All. No One Person has the same Needs, Responsibilities, or Desires in life.

We are a mission-driven and purposed-filled business. For us, the cause of what we do is as important as the products we sell. Our cause is a very simple one: To live our values to do good, be good and make good, every day, in our communities, and to the businesses and individual families we serve.